
At JS MARGARET SCHOOLS, we place prime importance on quality. Our well rounded curriculum which includes a host extra-curricular activities enables our students to compete at the very highest levels academically and otherwise.

Our very passionate and educated staff are devoted to ensure that not only knowledge but positive values are instilled in our students to enable them grow to become postive and influential members of the society.

Here at JS MARGARET SCHOOLS, we offer a variety of services to ensure that you are always getting the best out of your money. We have beautifully decorated and well furnished creches to cater for our toddlers.

We have extra-curricular programs in place like the numerous clubs we encourage our students to join, sporting activities, summer coaching and after school lessons. We provide school lunch which is eaten at our cafeteria and also have a mini snack shop where our students can buy light snacks during morning break.

The best way to understand the unique experience which JS Margaret Schools offers is to arrange a visit. During the visit, there will be the opportunity to answer all the questions you and your children may have. If you are not able to visit personally, due to your current geographical location, the school is very happy to answer questions and provide further information via email or a phone call.